Significant Information About Vitamin B Deficiency

By Anthony Traylor

Vitamin B deficiency can have fatal consequences on victims if not treated in time. This is because it affects the proper functioning of important faculties of the body like the mind, nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is thus very important for you to know how the lack of any vitamin B complex nutrients affects you and how to avoid consequent dangers.

Always have in mind that there are various factors that can lead to low levels of such nutrients in your body. Besides eating poor diet, anyone with issues in their digestion systems may lack enough nutrients. This is because the body may not properly breakdown various foods to gain all the necessary nutrients. Consumption of excess alcohol, surgery foods and intestinal complications are some of the things that can hinder proper breakdown of food. Of importance is to pay keen attention to your body in case of any signs related to deficiency of vital nutrients.

A common condition with people lacking Thiamine is beriberi. People with this condition experience irregular heartbeats, loss of nervous sensitivity, or weak and painful limbs. This ought to be treated immediately as it can affect the nervous system causing irreversible damages.

If a victim has cracked lips, persistent sore throat and high sensitivity to sunlight, they are likely to suffer from ariboflavinosis. This is caused by lack of riboflavin (B2). Also, if you suffer from pellagra, it is likely that you are lacking vitamin B3, common known as niacin. This can manifest through confusion, lack of sleep and diarrhea. If not treated, the victim will eventually die.

Skin conditions like acne are common with people who lack pantothenic acid (B5). Another important group of these vitamins is B6 which lowers chances of high blood pressure and depression. Anyone one lacking such is at high risk of becoming depressed or contracting various conditions related to high blood pressure.

Biotin helps in proper development in body organs. This is a vital nutrient for children at tender ages. Their faculties like the nervous system need to develop fully others the child may have poor co-ordination or lack nerve sensitivity. Every caregiver and mother should make sure such nutrients are in plenty in any diet to their children.

Closely related to infants and expectant mothers is the folic acid, usually, vitamin B9. Its deficiency leads to poor development of the foetus. If a baby is born with defects, it is possible that the mother did not have enough B9 in their body during the pregnancy. For you to give birth to a physically and mentally healthy child, make sure that you take foods rich in folic acid.

At an advanced age, most people face challenges related to their digestive systems. This leads to decline in the rate at which nutrients are absorbed in the body and some vitamins like B12 may lack in their systems. This is likely to cause anemia and memory lapses. To keep your mental health in good condition, talk to your doctor if suffering from the lapses for immediate attention. With the said dangers of Vitamin B deficiency, you do not want to keep any of your loved ones unattended to when they show symptoms. They could be young or old; all need immediate medical attention to counter any effects of low levels of the said vitamins in their body.

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