Letting Go Of A Sugar Addiction

By Nurettin Buitenkamp

Are you sugar addicted? You are not alone!I used to be intensely sugar addicted. I craved it all the time, and it seems like the more I ate, the more I wanted it. The fact that it made me feel terrible - first I'd feel the high and then I'd crash and feel spaced out - didn't faze me. I wanted my sugar. Just before I started to clean up my diet in my early 20s, I lived with my aunt, and I used to sneak frozen cake from her freezer - little pieces at a time, hoping she wouldn't notice![]

Then I started to read about nutrition and realized how toxic sugar is for our bodies. I used a lot of willpower to stop eating sugar, and I mostly succeeded, but the craving didn't go away. One time about 30 years ago, I went off sugar completely for two years. After a few months, the cravings lessened, but then after two years I made the mistake of thinking I was cured. A bite of sugar and all the craving returned.

In the 1900s, the average American consumed 5 pounds of (natural/mildly addictive) sugar per year and few people were obese or had any of the chronic diseases prevalent today. By 1990, the average American consumed 109 pounds of (refined/artificial/highly addictive) sugar per year and by 2010, that figure was 150 pounds.A 2008 ScienceDaily.com report stated that Princeton University scientists were able to induce withdrawal symptoms in rats by taking away their sugar/sucrose supply. Symptoms included anxiety, teeth chattering, unusual reluctance to explore their environment, and increased interest in consuming alcohol. After the rats were denied sugar for a prolonged period, the researchers found the rats worked harder to obtain it and consumed more than ever before.Refined sugar is so addictive because it's a pure chemical (i.e. a drug); its chemical formula is C12H22011. Unsurprisingly, the chemical structure for refined sugar is very similar to alcohol (C2H5OH). As with all drug addictions, the addict must take increasingly greater amounts of the drug to obtain desired effects. Over time, withdrawal symptoms for highly addictive drugs become more severe when the brain doesn't receive a "hit" for a prolonged period of time.

Eat more fat,The low fat diet period developed from skewed research back in the 1950s. There is now a lot of evidence to show that it is not fat that is making us fat, but sugar. Fat helps with satiety (making you feel full) which is very important if you are trying to lose weight or kick a sugar addiction. Weight Watchers have just launched some changes to the current program to allow two teaspoons of healthy oils such as olive, flaxseed and sunflower daily for zero points.

Sugar destroys beneficial bacteria and feeds the toxic bacteria. This is why the more sugar we eat, the more we want it. As the toxic bacteria proliferate, they demand more and more sugar to flourish. The more they flourish, the more they create toxins that affect our organs and our brain, causing diabetes, cancer, heart disease and autoimmune diseases, as well as autism, ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. (See "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" by Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D. for a complete description of how all this happens).

Of course, the first 2-3 weeks on a one-meal-a-day "lifestyle change" may result in strong hunger signals throughout the day. However, once the person adjusts to such a change, he or she will be able to enjoy the health and weight loss benefits of "short period/daily" fasting. This type of lifestyle change enables the body to: Break down fat reserves and release stored toxins,Lower cravings for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar and other drugs.Improve and invigorate digestion and waste elimination.Resolve inflammatory processes that have led to problems such as rheumatoid arthritis.Start quieting allergies that cause asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, hives, insomnia, and migraine headaches.Dry up abnormal fluid accumulations in the ankles, legs, and abdomen.Normalize blood pressure.Clear acne and whiten the eyes.Normalize taste buds that have been a) distorted by secondary taste buds produced by bad bacteria and b) desensitized to the flavors of real food (e.g. grassfed meat/fat, fresh vegetables, etc.) and hyper-sensitized to the taste of chemical food (e.g. refined sugar and other chemicals in processed food).Eating one meal day will speed the health and weight loss benefits derived from the above 100% natural products. A person who eats multiple times a day and consistently uses the products will experience the same benefits, but at a slower pace. However, eating multiple times a day tends to increase the quantity of refined carbs/sugar consumed. Consequently, multiple-meal eaters will need to use greater quantities of the aforementioned 100% Natural Products to counteract the effects of refined sugar.

Getting sugar addiction help is a little easier now that low carb diets are so popular but still a difficult undertaking on the best of days. Like true addicts, we all enjoy the occasional sweet treats that ruin our diets. If you have a problem with sugar chances are that the first place it will show up is in your waistline. Of course that isn't the only place that sugar can take it's toll on your body.Not all Addictions are Created Equal.Some addictions to sugar are more difficult to manage than others. Not everyone is equipped with the will power necessary to walk away from the sweet rewards that sometimes make life worth living.

In other words, millions of people all around the world, whether they admit it or not, need serious sugar addiction help.If you are one of these people identifying the problem is the first step towards successful treatment. Once you've decided to get sugar addiction help you can begin exploring your options for a viable sugar addiction treatment program that won't leave you out in the cold and eating more sugar than ever before.

Dr. Paula F. Baillie-Hamilton explained that chemical toxins [including sucrose] are the likely cause of America's skyrocketing obesity rates, in her ground-breaking 2002 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine report "Chemical Toxins: A Hypothesis to Explain the Global Obesity Epidemic."Moreover, Dr. Joyce Marshall has compellingly challenged the allopathic medicine standard that that acute and chronic illnesses are caused by external microorganisms, which must be eliminated with toxic pharmaceuticals. In her 1997 article "The Germ Theory of Disease Is One of the False Foundations of Modern Medicine," she stated that micro-organisms are "pleomorphic" (i.e. they evolve/change form), changing from beneficial microbes within the body to harmful ones as a person consistently consumes devitalized food (i.e. a dead organic matter/refined carbs).According to Dr. Marshall's article, obesity and chronic illnesses can be overcome by maintaining a "pure bloodstream, free unimpeded circulation of all body fluids, and unobstructed excretion.The key point is that it is the diseased toxemic condition, where the body is overwhelmed with poisonous waste, which creates an environment favorable to the mutation of [internal] bacteria into those commonly associated with particular diseases."Many people in the general public still believe the recently discredited conventional medicine fallacy that DNA/genes cause obesity and chronic illness. However, this may soon change as many conventional medical researchers now accept Dr. Bruce Lipton's declarations that DNA/genes cannot produce disease-promoting proteins unless they are adversely affected by environmental factors.

Things will go much more smoothly if you keep an accurate journal of everything that you eat. Many people will be surprised at how their sugar intake can add up when all of the foods they eat are combined. Keeping a journal will allow you to see exactly how much you consume.It is important to note however, that you shouldn't try to change things excessively in such a short period of time. Start slowly to reduce your sugar intake and it will be much easier to continue. You may not even want to avoid eating sugar altogether. It's fine if you want to give yourself a reward every so often whenever you do well. If you have herpes try to stick to fruit for your sweets.You will also help yourself considerably by staying as active as possible. People tend to eat more often when they are sitting around relaxing or watching TV. If you are physically active, then you will be too busy to eat any sugary foods. Starting an exercise routine is a great idea since it helps you get or stay in shape.

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