How To Diet Your Way To A Muscular Body

By Arnold Sylvester

Learning how to build muscle can be very, very complex. You have new gimmicks at every corner and faster, easier results seems to be promised by everything out there...

But despite looking great on the surface, these gimmicks and next-big-thing products tend to share one nasty similarity - none have actually got you any results.

Well believe it or not, there are several fundamental rules to hypertrophy which, if applied correctly, will see you pack on more lean size to your body in the next three months than any so-called next big thing can claim to outperform.

In today's write up we are going to be looking at perhaps the most important rule - your diet.

A failure to supply your body with a decent source of nutrition will lead you down a road to nowhere. Hundreds of thousands of individuals make this mistake, often deeming nutrition to be too complex for them to follow, but the truth is it's vital to your overall progress.

Why does generation after generation continue to make this one mistake?

The undeniable reality for most men is that ego takes over and tell them that diets are for weight loss. But if you want to learn how to get lean fast or how to gain more strength on your biggest lifts in the gym, this is a big mistake to make...

Well, you still need a diet even if your goal is to achieve more size and strength. Without proper nutrition, your gym based efforts will only take you so far and if you want to truly reach your full physical potential you must provide your body with excellent fuel for the journey which lies ahead.

You can do this by taking care of the three major macronutrients:

1) 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight.

If you are using the gym then you are probably also consuming a whey protein supplement. That's great. But the problem is most men don't consume any other protein besides this. You should be getting around 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight every day to maximize lean growth.

2) Around 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of your body weight.

Carbs are the nutrient which confuse most people. They've often referred to as the bad guy in diets but they are absolutely vital to hypertrophy and strength gains - if you are getting them from the right sources.

The majority of your carbohydrate content should arrive in your system from nutritious, slow release foods such as wholewheat pasta and porridge.

Try to begin a healthy diet by eating about 1.5 grams of carbs for each pound your body currently weighs. If you find you are adding body fat, lower this amount in the coming weeks until you hit the sweet spot. Likewise, you can increase it if you are not seeing any gains.

3) Around 0.5 grams of fat per pound of your weight.

Fat is not bad. It simply shares the same name as the type of body tissue you want to get rid of, that's all. Healthy fats from sources such as fish are actually great for your body.

Try eating around half a gram of fat, most of which are healthy fats, per pound of your current overall weight.

For many, learning how to build muscle turns in to little more than a game of chance. They try every new gimmick and supplement to hit the market in the vain hope of striking it lucky. This is an approach which leads to failure on a consistent basis. Using the research backed facts above, you can begin implementing a solid hypertrophy diet and reap the rewards almost immediately.

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